The hyena were the most difficult wildlife to track down, as they tend to sleep a lot in the day time, down their hides, away from the midday sun. We visited 2 hides, but no luck. Hyena are not just the scavengers, that people may think they are, they will taunt and attack prey. Even a lion will back away from a group of hyena is he is alone.
Eventually, we found a hide, where the hyena's were resting after a meal maybe? There were zebra and wilderbeast in the area, that were not bothered by the hyena, so this gives a little credence that the hyena had already eaten.
The hide was down a slope we were parked behind, but we could see the tops of some hyena that were down there. A few were resting a little away from the hide.
As we drove away, a few miles down the track, we came across a lone hyena. It was limpling and had a few cuts on its leg. It must have been in a fight with either its own cackle (cackle - a group of hyena's.... who knew) Or it may have been fighting over food. The fact that it was all alone, I'm guessing it had been ousted from the cackle (group) of hyena's we saw at the hide.
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